Can your car GLIDE? Mercedes Gliding Mode Demo… STOP wasting gas and START saving $$$!


How to glide a Mercedes while the engine is turned off, where you waste zero gas and zero money! Can your car glide? I’m driving over 80 mph, and my RPM is 0! This means my vehicle’s engine is turned off completely! I’m driving at high speed while my car is totally turned off. I’m wasting zero gas right now! Crazy!

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BOOST Mercedes Performance – Yourself! | Dynamic Select Exclusive Tutorial


Only 6% of Mercedes-Benz drivers use it. You can start using it today! One way to improve your Mercedes Drive is to tighten the steering wheel, and use the different drive programs that Mercedes offers. In this video, I did some testing and experiments, so you don’t have to do it yourself. Just watch and learn all the details in this exclusive demonstration.

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